Wisdom Knot Programs


1. Youth Career Workshops

TARGET: Youth aged 12-19

Expose youth to the different careers in sports outside of being an athlete. The workshop includes speakers currently holding several varied positions in sports to come and create dialogue in small group settings about their jobs/careers.


2. Career / Internship Fair

TARGET: Youth aged 12-19 and 16+ for internships

Career fair / internship fair for youth begins with a strengths assessment and small group work to increases exposure to a wide range of careers. Done in a setting where the youth can ask questions and understand why a given career might be a good fit for them, the afternoon is comprised of one-on-one sessions for practicing interview skills and setting next steps.


3. Sports Camps

TARGET: Youth aged 12-19

Use sports as an avenue to facilitate the awareness of how each youth’s ambition and abilities can be developed into a career in sports. The camp uses fundamental sports skills training paired with mental skills training to create self-awareness in a dynamic learning environment that allows them to practice leadership and teamwork on and off the court.


4. Facilitator Performance Bootcamps

TARGET: Adults

Give coaches the foundational tools for helping youth athletes to develop self-awareness. Coaches are trained using insights and high performance tools from the world’s elite sports organization. In addition, coaches are given a mental skills toolkit to help youth to develop self-awareness for maximizing teamwork and succeeding on and off the court. The workshop includes Wisdom Knot instructors and small group settings to allow practice of core principles.